prolong it even further dropped the matter entirely

The result was a wonderful carefree second half of the summer. Fully confidant by then, and free of the nag- ging possibilities that had plagued me earlier, I moved about in a wholly normal life. A rather retiring one I will admit, but not more than many people live. Sis by then accepted me without reservation as well, and we had many wonderful times together. The summer flew by so fast I could hardly stand it, but I wrung pleasure from every moment. One absolute policy I adopted on my own, but heartily seconded by Dad the first time it came up, was to have nothing to do with boys or men. The first inci- dent arose when Sis suggested that she get a date for me to some dance or other. The idea was intriguing, but I realized the danger and there and then adopted the rule. Of course, there were casual incidents when I couldn't avoid meeting some boy or other. Too, there were a few very flattering and confirming invitations but I declined. But the summer ended, school was imminent and there was nothing to do but cut my by then very attractive hair. Lord knows it was hard on me, but in some ways I think it was even worse on Mother. To see all the hours she had spent attending my hair disappear with a touch of the shears made her despondent for almost a week.

With my hair gone there was nothing to do but change into a male--no matter how reluctant I might have been-- and did I feel like a fish out of water the first few days? I looked even worse, like a horribly effeminate man. One cannot practice and study femininity for three months and then forget it in a flash, but there again I was well aware of the danger so did my best. One thing, though, that I acquired that has never left me was the habit of walking with short quick steps, and too, there was a daintyness that I have had ever since, but I think it wholly an asset though it does get me some kidding.

Don't for a moment think that this transformation did- not hurt, it hurt like hell. But I realized that brooding on it would do no good, that at least for the next few